Pierre Benoit, RCCH
Hypnothérapeute Clinique
Clinique d’hypnothérapie et de relation d’aide
Centre Professionnel aux Quatre Vents
Telephone: 514-675-4457
Email :
Friday 9AM- 5PM
“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder :
A Market in Need of Hypnotherapist”
No one is immune to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; the modern day term for what has, at various times, been called ‘shell shock’, ‘war neurosis’ and ‘combat fatigue’ in wartime situations, and ‘operational stress injury’ in civilian terms. Military personnel and emergency first responders are particularly vulnerable to PTSD, but it can affect anyone who has suffered a trauma or serious personal upset.
Everybody has their breaking point, however strong they may have forced themselves to be, physically or mentally. Ironically, it is often the people who are the strongest, and have coped with the most distressing situations in their life, who are most at risk for developing PTSD.
Clinical hypnotherapy is so successful as a remedy for PTSD, that it was being extensively used by military psychiatrists and psychologists in the Great Wars, to treat the most chronic cases of war neuroses. They called it ‘the original brief therapy’ and it gave thousands of people their lives back. Those military techniques have proven to be the foundation stone of modern day clinical hypnotherapy.
PTSD is not what is wrong with someone, but what has happened to someone!
PTSD is not a life sentence.
Symptoms can be diminished and even eliminated in just a few hypnotherapy sessions. What is happening inside the body of a PTSD sufferer is a natural reaction to traumatic experiences. Once a person understands the triggers and the stressors, they are already halfway to stopping the reaction.
PTSD is not a weakness. It is a sign that someone has been strong for too long!
What will be covered:
- What is PTSD
- 3 Phases of PTSD
- 4 Categories of Experiences
- 8 Elements of PTSD
- What are the risk factors?
- Different reactions to trauma
- PTSD and Family Members
- PTSD and Grief
- Items to look for during the Intake
- And more…
Participants will get:
- Workbook
- PTSD Intake Form
- PTSD Test
- Self-Esteem Test
register here